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Titanium Homes News

Titanium Homes growing in the Waikato

Buyers in Huntly, Morrinsville and Cambridge could soon own an Titanium Homes home...


Titanium Homes: The story so far

Since pouring the foundations of their first home, Titanium Homes has handed over the keys to many very satisfied customers...


Titanium Homes and Lugton's: now even better service

Titanium Homes has teamed up with Lugton's Real Estate to market and sell the homes it builds in Hamilton and the Waikato...



Titanium Homes: the story so far

Since pouring the foundations of their first home, Titanium Homes has handed over the keys to many very satisfied customers.

Not only that, they’ve signed up more than 50 house and land packages this year alone, which are at varying stages of construction in and around Hamilton.

Titanium Homes prides itself on building high-quality, yet affordable, homes and being able to provide services to its customers that many other companies cannot. This is excellent news for home buyers, as these services have included providing fencing, patios, security alarms and extra jackpoints free of charge. In some cases, they’ve even thrown in a free kitchen.

That’s because Titanium Homes doesn’t focus on the big profit margins. They’re much more interested in delivering a quality product and outstanding service. The company was started with the goal of helping every New Zealander achieve the dream of home ownership at an affordable price, and that’s what they continue to work towards.

Some might say that corners have to be cut to make that happen – but no, Titanium Homes hires only qualified and certified builders and tradesmen to construct their homes. It’s about quality you can afford.